Dr. Wallace, VMD
About Dr. Wallace
Special Interests: Surgery, Exotic Pet Medicine, Opthalmology
Dr. Wallace graduated with a BS in Animal Science from Cornell University. The next four years she spent in Philadelphia earning her veterinary degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Furthering her training, she completed a rotating internship at the Animal Medical Center in Manhattan where she developed interests in exotics, ophthalmology, and surgery. Married for 20 years, she has three human children, two cats (Axle and Elys), a deaf Chiweenie (Hans), a Golden Retriever (Levi), and a Russian Tortoise (Scot). When she’s not working, she enjoys skiing, hiking and sailing.

Dr. Whitehead, DVM
About Dr. Whitehead
Special Interests: Cardiology, Emergency Care, Internal Medicine

Dr. Paukner, DVM
About Dr. Paukner
Dr. Paukner earned her DVM from St George’s University in Grenada, West Indies and completed her clinical training at North Carolina State University. Her special interests include wound care and internal medicine. In her free time, Dr. Paukner can be found sailing on the Hudson river or hiking with her dog Lana.

Dr. Andrews ACVS, DVM
About Dr. Andrews
Special Interests: Surgery